Pathfinder Counseling

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On the first of June, 2021, Jan Van Ysslestyne passed from this life and on to her next journey. 

It is a tremendous loss to her life partner, friends, and community. Her love and devotion to the Ulchi people, and her determination to find paths to share their wisdom, teachings, and history was beyond passion — it was, and is, her heart’s work. 

She is on her new adventure with the spirits who were ever-present in her life and her dreams. Here, her passion and work carries on.

It was her desire that Pathfinder Counseling and Communications always move forward, and that the teaching continue. The Art of Classical Siberian Shamanism, her first online course, will remain available. It will be joined in the future by additional online courses, in person and group classes — all in the final stages of development at the time of her passing.

To those that knew her personally, we mourn this loss with you. The year of monthly rituals to honor her passing–in the Ulchi tradition–are at this time being observed privately with family and close friends. The final fire ritual, on the one year anniversary of her passing will be open to the community. We are asking that rather than sending flowers please pass a copy of her book, Spirits from the Edge of the World: Classical Shamanism in Ulchi Society, to a friend, or plant a tree in her name and memory.

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Pathfinder Counseling

Seattle, Washington



Telephone: ​(+1).206.526.2959